Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: ExceptionType
Containing Schema: LiftInfo.xsd
Exceptions have an Exception Code and Description to describe the exception. Also an Exception can contain other exceptions because they arrise from multiple causes.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into LiftInformation Drilldown into Description Drilldown into CodeXSD Diagram of ExceptionType
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:complexType name="ExceptionType">
        <xs:documentation>Exceptions have an Exception Code and Description to describe the exception. Also an Exception can contain other exceptions because they arrise from multiple causes.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="Description" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="LiftInformation" type="LiftInformationType">
                <xs:documentation>The context and cause of an Exception can best be described by including further Dynamic and Event LiftInformation as well as further Exceptions which may themselves identify the trigger for this Exception.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
Code Code (1) (1)
Description Description (1) (1)
LiftInformation LiftInformation (1) (1)
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References:
CarOutOfServiceException, CarOverloadException, DoorCloseException, DoorHoldException, DoorLockException, DoorObstructionException, DoorOpenException, DoorOperationException, DoorZoneException, DriveOperationException, DriveOverloadException, DriveOverspeedException, DriveOvertravelException, DriveRelevellingException, DriveStartException, DriveTripException, PowerException, TemperatureException